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Delivery costs and details

Our delivery charges are based on boxes, containing up to 25kg** of shopping each, which is quite a lot of shopping and will be approximately 55cm3 (55cm x 55cm x 55cm).

Costs are dependant upon your location, if you register and sign in, with your delivery address set correctly, delivery rates will be shown for your area.

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*Free Shipping: Makes shipping free for a standard one box order for the UK mainland (normally £3). Any free delivery codes sent out to customers are for one box only.

Premium UK delivery areas (Highlands etc), international orders and orders exceeding one box will see a £3 deduction from the final shipping cost. Basket spend must exceed £55.00. Multi-box shipping deals are available in England, Wales and parts of Scotland only.

** Please note that the gross weight of a product also includes the weight of packaging required to send the order to you. We look at each product on an individual basis and round up where required. For example if you order a case of a product we will keep the products in the case, which adds a little extra weight.Standard rates per box (up to 25kg)

England, Wales, Scotland £3.00
Highland Scotland£9.00
N. Ireland and UK islands£12
Republic of Ireland, Germany, France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands£12
Austria and Denmark£20
Spain, Italy, Slovakia and Czech Republic£25
Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia£30

British Forces Post Office (BFPO)

Please ensure all correct details are used on the shipping address at checkout, including the unit and sub unit. Also check for prohibited items as your order can be turned away.

Once an order has been delivered to a BFPO site the order is classed as delivered and any further queries regarding delivery will have to be raised via BFPO customer service channels.

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